Types of Water Filter Media

Water Filter Media

Water filter technology is a way or solution to meet the needs of clean water for human life. Currently the need for clean water for humans is increasing and is one of the basic needs that is difficult to be fulfilled given the high level of water pollution. Even in big cities and certain areas, clean water is sold at quite high prices. Therefore, water filter technology is now starting to be in great demand and is used by the community because it can guarantee the need for clean water. By applying a water filter at home, of course, getting a clean water supply is easier and more cost efficient than having to buy it. One important component in this water filter is the Water Filter Media. There are several types of water filter media that are currently so popular and widely used. The following types of water filter media:
  1. Silica Sand
The first water filter media is silica sand. Silica sand is different from sand in general and is very effective in filtering turbid water. Besides silica sand can also filter mud, sludge, sediment, sand and other particles in the water.
  1. Ziolite Sand
Jenis media filter air ini memiliki fungsi yang berbeda dengan pasir silica. Meskipun sama – sama berbentuk pasir, namun pasir ziolite lebih cocok digunakan dalam bak terbuka seperti tambak maupun kolam ikan. Manfaat pasir ziolite tersebut yakni mampu menambah kadar oksigen di dalam air sehingga sangat cocok bagi pengusaha ternak ikan maupun udang
  1. Activated Carbon
Activated carbon is the type of water filter media that is most widely used. Activated carbon is considered very effective in filtering various foreign particles contained in water such as sediment, and is able to clear and eliminate odors.
  1. Manganese green sand ( MGS )
Jenis media filter iar ini sangat efektif dalam menghilangkan bau besi di dalm air serta menghilangkangkan zat besi yang mengendap sehingga air menjadi lebih sehat. Itulah beberapa jenis media filter air yang saat ini banyak digunakan. Dalam pengaplikasiaanya, bisanya perusahaan filter air akan memadukan berbagai media penyaring tersebut untuk memaksimalkan hasil filtrasi. Dengan begitu air hasi filtrasi filter air tersebut menjadi lebih jernih, bersih, sehat serta tidak berbau. Semoga sedikit ulasan tentang jenis media filter air tersebut bermanfaat bagi anda dalam memilih filter air yang tepat untuk anda gunakan dalam upaya mendapatkan water yang bersih dan sehat. Semoga dengan adanya artikel ini, rekan rekan dapat terbantu dalam menambah wawasan untuk menjaga kesahatan, terutama dalam penggunaan air , karna air sangat di butuhkan dalam kehidupan sehari hari, terutam untuk konsumsi air minum, kebutuhan untuk mandi, nyuci, dan siram tanaman.

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