Bottled water, gallon water, or the like are among the most chosen in Indonesia. Why is the water of choice in Indonesia? Because it makes it easier for consumers so consumers do not need to boil water first to consume water, other than that the water is in clean levels, but the question is what about the level of health and purity? Did not rule out there are some who still have not tested the level of health and purity,
although most believe in the purity of the water in the bottle. One technology that is well known in water filtration for household drinking water today is
Reverse Osmosis or what is often referred to as
Filter RO. This water filter is known to have sophisticated technology and can produce healthy water for consumption and benefit our bodies. in the midst of minimal availability of clean water, with its presence
Reverse Osmosis Machine menjadi solusi yang terbaik umtuk mengatasi kurangnya asupan air bersih bagi tubuh kita. Selain filter RO, sebenarnya masih banyak lagi penyaring air atau filter air yang ditawarkan untuk pasar di Indonesia. Sebagai pembeli yang cerdas, kita dituntut untuk mengenal setiap manfaat dan membelinya secara selektif. Reverse Osmosis merupakan sebuah teknologi yang berhubungan dengan proses kimiawi yang digunakan untuk menyaring air melalui membran air khusus. Teknologi ini bertujuan untuk menghilangkan kontaminan asing dan berbahaya yang terkandung didalam air. Selain itu, reverse Osmosis juga bisa digunakan untuk menyerap mineral, zat padat, dan molekul yang besar. Dengan kata lain, Reverse Osmosis merupakan teknologi pemurnian atau penjernihan air yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas air minum. lalu apa saja manfaat Reverse Osmosis ini? Reverse Osmosis ini memiliki manfaat yang baik untuk kesehatan, antara lain:
- Safe for consumption by cancer sufferers It is a must if cancer sufferers must be careful with whatever they consume. Reverse Osmosis technology is a good solution for those of you who are undergoing cancer treatment or after undergoing cancer opposing therapy. Reverse Osmosis water is safer for those of you who are undergoing the process of chemotherapy, at which time cancer sufferers are experiencing a decrease in the immune system.
- Bebas parasit dan bakteri Air yang dihasilkan oleh penyaring air rule berteknologi reverse Osmosis juga diyakini bebas dari bakteri, kuman, dan parasit lainnya, sehingga Aman dan menyehatkan untuk tubuh.
- Air rule dihasilkan bebas Tb atau timbal Sistem reverse Osmosis dapat menghasilkan air yang lebih sehat sehingga aman untuk dikonsumsi. Dalam sebuah penelitian ditemukan bahwa air yang sudah disaring dengan filter air minum reverse Osmosis hanya mengandung sedikit timbal. Kandungan timbal rule berlebih dalam tubuh dapat menyebabkan tekanan darah tinggi atau hipertensi. Tidak hanya itu, timbal yang berlebih dalam tubuh juga bisa menyebabkan masalah pada kerusakan otot, perkembangan saraf terganggu, hingga masalah kesuburan. Pada anak-anak, timbal justru bisa berakibat pada penyakit anemia.
- Free water from Sodium Molecules Sodium in water is lost by this reverse Osmosis process. With the loss of Sodium from the water, the reverse osmosis technology is safe to consume by high blood pressure or hypertension sufferers, kidney sufferers, liver disease sufferers, and so on. Hopefully with the tips above we can be more selective in choosing any product, especially those related to our health, lest we choose the wrong product that can endanger health. Greetings healthy!
With the many benefits of Reverse Omsosis for the consumption of water for our bodies, we strongly recommend to the public to use the Reverse Osmosis Machine as a water filtration tool to produce healthy water for our body to consume. And the most important thing is that RO Machine is one of the right ways to maintain our health in the long run.
We PT. Banyu Biru Berkah Sejati provide Reverse Osmosis Selling services, and serve the installation of household water filters. Contact us
Hopefully this article is very useful for the community in finding a good Household Water Filter to use and helps in educating the public to maintain their health.